Guatemala Mission + Pilgrimage

Trip Details

All spots for 2024 are currently filled. To put your name on the waitlist, sign up at the link on the right.

For the past 25+ years, Kansas City Catholics have traveled to Guatemala to enter into daily life alongside with and in service to the poor. This year, City on a Hill will embark on its fifth mission, taking 30 young adults to the remote town of San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala.

Through manual work, missionaries provide homes, wood stoves, animal shelters and more to local families. Missionaries bring supplies to the sick and play with children at a school that serves the developmentally disabled.  Check out our last trip's agenda.

The work itself is secondary to the relationships formed with the families that are served and the spiritual growth that occurs within the missionaries. We pray together, play with children, and become Christ’s presence to His children and our “neighbor”. As missionaries encounter the material poverty yet spiritual richness of the families served, we reflect on our own poverty and wealth and thus cultivate the soil of our hearts for our call to sainthood. Missionaries are inspired to consider how to incorporate our own encounter with Jesus in the Guatemalan poor back to our lives in Kansas City.

A priest accompanies our trip to offer daily Mass, adoration, and confession to the missionaries, religious sisters, and others at the convent where we stay. We also embark on a pilgrimage to the site where Blessed Stanley Rother, the first American priest to be beatified, was martyred for the faith (Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala). 

Looking to support a young adult missionary? Use the box below to submit donations; be sure to denote which missionary on the first page!

Trip date: July 20 - 26, 2024

Location: San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala 

Total Cost of Trip = approximately $1,800.

Cost covers flight, lodging & food at the convent, projects, and free-day activity. The trip is tax-deductible and fundraising is available.

The 2024 trip is currently full. If you would like to be put on the waitlist, you can sign up below. If space becomes available, a member of the team will reach out to you.

Have additional questions? Contact a member of the Leadership Team: